On 09th June 2023, Cambodian Investors Corporation Plc (CiC Plc), The parent company of Accineur-Venture with The Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) collaborate to organize workshop on “Securities Issuance and Investment in the Securities Sector” together in Siem Reap at Landing gold by Amatak.
This workshop was Presided by H.E. SEANG Thirith, Deputy Director General of the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC), as an honorable representative of H.E. SOU Socheat, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the SERC and Mr. KHIM Sok Heng, Board of Directors & Chair of Membership and Partnership Committee, Cambodian Investors Corporation Plc.
This workshop was attended by members in our CiC’s Community, Business Owner, Potential investors and the general public in Siem Reap.
This workshop was organized to raise awareness about:
- The company’s readiness for the securities initial public offering (IPO)
- Related parties
- Investor ID and trading account opening
- Securities trading via CSX TRADE