stayed update with us
YLP Ggear Certificate Ceremony & Alumni Gathering
Congratulation to all participants from Ggear Group who successfully completed Young Leader Program Cohort 04 organized by Accineur Venture. Throughout this program they have learnt 9 essential modules for sharpen
Corporate Communication for Young Leaders
On Saturday, 17th June 2023, GGear Young Leader Programme Cohort 04 held last training module under the topic of “Corporate Communication”, led by Mr. Yoeng Sophai, Head of operation of Aplus Consulting.
Business Checklist for SMES
On Saturday, June 10th 2023, BIO Siem Reap Batch 04 held a training under the topic ”Business Checklist for SMES” at Landing gold by Amatak. This training was led by
Business model and product development
On Saturday & Sunday, June 10th & 11th 2023, BIO Siem Reap Batch 04 held a training under the topic ”Business Model and product development” at Landing gold by Amatak.
BIO Phnom Penh Batch 06 Information Session
On Wednesday 24th May 2023, Accineur held ” BIO Phnom Penh Batch06 info session” through ZOOM. This session was shared by Mr. Torn Hor, Senior Program Communication, Accineur. This session
Final Round
We are delighted to announce that our Final 02 Startups have been selected and received $15k in the final pitch. They receive totally 30K in funding through the Cnai Accelerator